Skin Cancer Clinic

Skin First™ Skin Cancer Clinic operates from Carlingford Court Medical Centre, making it a convenient location to ensure you are up to date with your skin cancer checks. These checks by dedicated, specifically trained professionals are essential for early detection of all types of skin cancer, and can ensure the best possible outcomes.

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Skin Cancer Clinic

Skin First Skin Cancer Clinic operates from Carlingford Court Medical Centre, making it a convenient location to ensure you are up to date with your skin cancer checks. These checks by dedicated, specifically trained professionals are essential for early detection of all types of skin cancer, and can ensure the best possible outcomes.

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Why are Skin Cancer checks so Important?

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and can be deadly if left untreated. When detected early, however, skin cancer is highly treatable, and the chances of survival are much higher. Skin cancer checks involve a thorough examination of your skin by a healthcare professional who can identify any suspicious moles or growths that may be cancerous. By detecting skin cancer early on, you can take steps to prevent it from spreading and potentially causing more serious health problems.

Additionally, skin cancer checks can also help you identify any changes in your skin that may be due to other skin conditions, allowing you to seek treatment as soon as possible. Overall, skin cancer checks are an important part of maintaining your overall health and wellbeing.

Get in touch today to discuss your options, and plan for a brighter future with Skin First Skin Cancer Clinics.

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Skin Checks

Regular skin checks are integral in the early detection of skin cancers.

Treatment Plans

Expert advice and personalised treatment plans for patients of any age.


Professional skin cancer surgeons can perform basic procedures on site for peace of mind and optimum outcomes.

Important Notice

Register with your doctor under the MyMedicare program.