Womens Health Clinic

Located inside Carlingford Court Medical Centre, this specialised womens health clinic is dedicated to empowering women with knowledge and support for their well-being. From reproductive care and hormonal balance to fitness and mental wellness.

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Online Schedule

Dr Sandya Wanigaratne

Dr Sandya Wanigaratne is an experienced GP with decades of experience in women health matters. She takes a particular interest and heads up a Women’s Health Clinic from within the Carlingford Court Medical Centre facility.

Her areas of expertise include:

  • Cervical screening and well women’s checks
  • Antenatal care
  • Postnatal care
  • Menopause
  • Breast examination
  • Pelvic health
  • Sexual transmitted infection management


  • Oral contraceptives
  • Injectables
  • Implanon insertion and removal
  • Mirena / IUD insertion and removal

Important Notice

Register with your doctor under the MyMedicare program.